Steve Jobs’s Philosophy of Life (Part II): The Priorities That Built Apple

Haven Dewart
4 min readMay 8, 2024
Image by Haven Dewart

This article is part of a series that delves into the core beliefs guiding some of the world’s most successful individuals. Their remarkable achievements can often be traced back to a distinctive philosophy of life — a framework for living that enabled them to harness the full power of their mission, ambition, and purpose.

For each person that I analyze as a part of this series, I write four articles. Each article covers a component of their unique philosophy of life (meaning of life, priorities, virtues, and rules of life). This article is the second in my series on Steve Jobs and introduces his priorities. Enjoy!

Steve Jobs’s Priorities

At the heart of any philosophy of life lie the priorities that are used in goal setting. These priorities are like the philosophy’s map that helps define one’s life path. Moreover, priorities provide the benchmarks against which progress is measured. In a well-considered philosophy of life, these priorities are not arbitrary; they are deeply intertwined with one’s fundamental beliefs about the nature of existence and what constitutes a meaningful life. They act as practical applications of one’s philosophical ideals, turning abstract concepts into concrete choices and behaviors.

For an innovator like Steve Jobs, whose meaning of life was to “create great things,” his priorities across the four domains of life (health, wealth, relationships, and spirituality) are incredibly aligned with this driving purpose.


Steve Jobs’ commitment to his health was evident in his disciplined Zen practices and dietary choices. He prioritized meditation as a means to maintain mental clarity and focus, which he believed was essential for his creative and leadership capacities at Apple. Additionally, his preference for a vegetarian diet aligned with his pursuit of physical and spiritual purity.

However, the same laser-like focus that allowed Jobs to revolutionize multiple industries also led him to initially dismiss conventional medical advice following his cancer diagnosis. Instead, he chose alternative treatments that aligned with his holistic view of health. This decision delayed more aggressive and potentially life-saving medical interventions. Over time, Jobs came to recognize the importance of a more balanced approach to health, integrating his Zen-inspired practices with necessary medical treatments. However, by the time he did, his cancer had already become terminal.


While wealth could easily dominate the priorities of a successful entrepreneur, for Steve Jobs it was always a means to an end. His priority was never accumulating wealth for its own sake but funding ambitious projects that could push the boundaries of what technology could achieve. This perspective on wealth allowed him to reinvest in creating groundbreaking products, reflecting his belief that life’s purpose was to contribute positively to the world.


Steve Jobs’ journey with relationships underscores a transformation that was deeply connected to the evolution of his priorities. Initially, his singular focus on professional success led to significant personal oversights, such as when he initially refused to acknowledge he had a daughter, despite evidence of paternity.

However, as Jobs matured, his priorities shifted. Embracing a more integrated approach, he acknowledged the importance of nurturing personal relationships alongside achieving professional milestones. This change marked a significant evolution in his philosophy of life — from viewing success primarily through the lens of technological and business achievements to recognizing the indispensable value of personal connections and family.

In his professional life, this shift was also evident. Jobs’ early confrontational management style, which often strained relationships with his team members, evolved into a more collaborative approach. This transformation not only fostered a healthier work environment but also reinforced the innovative culture at Apple, proving that respecting and valuing team dynamics could coexist with maintaining high standards of excellence.


For Steve, spirituality and work were very closely intertwined. Because Jobs believed making an impact in the world through creating great products was the most meaningful pursuit in life, his work became his religion. Through his dedication to infusing his spiritual and philosophical beliefs in the products he created, he lived a life that was a manifestation of his spirituality.

Photo by Thor Alvis on Unsplash

“Being in the Apple ecosystem could be as sublime as walking in one of the Zen gardens of Kyoto that Jobs loved.” Walter Isaacson

Create Your Own Philosophy of Life

I hope you enjoyed the article and appreciated this more holistic approach to looking at self-improvement.

If you are interested in building your own philosophy of life, I think you will find incredible value in the free quiz I developed to help you identify your philosophical archetype.

The quiz takes only 5 minutes to complete and will provide you with the insights and tools you need to transform your life by creating your own philosophy of life, much like the one you read about today!

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👀 Read Part III in This Series:



Haven Dewart

In a world of quick fixes and productivity hacks—set yourself apart by building a philosophy of life. 👈